Saturday, 21 February 2015

Third Eye Activation


   Age:5-15 years

 Super IQ, Faster Learning, Computer Calculation Speed. Photographic Memory, Enhanced Concentration, Balanced Body-Mind Development.

Why do we need this programme

We live in a world that is very competitive today and if you are parent, it is natural that you would want your child to perform well academically and in fact be an all rounder.
All parents want their children to grow up as confident and smart individuals who have the capacity to excel in their field of choice.But how do you ensure that for your child?
Just providing good education is not enough these days.


Children do not concentrate in class, depressed; love daydreaming, and even the study as a painful burden. How can the parents be able to guide them to get rid of barriers to learning?

The child fears “the book”?

Why do kids do not like reading, is because of they like to play game?

Or the environment is not ideal?

The pressure is over sized, causes the result to regress?

Addicted to video games, lack of concentration?

Or because they are listless, lazy passive?

In order to give your child a competitive edge over others, you ought to consider something extra.
And what is that “extra” you ask?

The answer is “Third Eye Activation”.

In educational parlance it is called “Mid Brain Activation”.

Our workshop center provide two day-long mid brain  activation inspiration course and puzzle games to inspire children’s potential and self-confidence, thus step by step guide the children interested in learning.
When the child’s mid brain been activated, they can blindfolded and use the brain wave to wipe any objects, as even to touch, smell or hearing to tell the shape of things, such as blindfolded reading, writing, chess playing video games or even riding bicycle.
This course can only start once a lifetime, children continue to grow and mid brain will be sustainable development. In this ever-changing society, in terms of information, social and vocational aspects are amazing and show a high level of performance.


Basic Question For Us

       What Is Third Eye Activation


The third Eye Activation program activates the Pineal Gland.
Physically, the pineal gland is a cone-shaped gland located in the midbrain behind the thalamus and hangs from the roof of the back of the 3rd ventricle of the brain. Ventricles are the spaces in the brain containing cerebral spinal fluid.
The pineal gland is connected to the thalamus, hypothalamus, basil nuclei and medial temporal lobe. It is a still a somewhat mysterious gland in that scientists believe there is still more to learn about its function, though we know it controls our circadian rhythms. (The hypothalamus is also sensitive to light and dark and therefore affects circadian rhythms.) The pineal gland is considered a master gland (as is the pituitary gland/hypothalamus), both being responsible for the regulation of all the other endocrine glands.

Science Behind This Process

As reviewed by scientists, it's a myth that a person utilises 10% of his brain capacity. Let’s think what an awesome a human can be if it's brain utilisation is more. Humans have a brain composed of Left and the Right brain, together called as cerebral Brain. Some people mostly use Left brain which means intensively larger, systematic and analytical in thinking. while others are right brainers tending to be more creative, emotional and intuitive. However one fact is that we also have a Mid-brain which acts like a communicating bridge connecting Left Brain and Right Brain. Mid-brain acts as a communication bridge between the left and right that the left and right brain communicate more effectively and function with each other leading to more balanced used of full brain. The science behind this concept of Mid-brain Activation is the technique of optimizing the function of our middle brain, which is the ‘bridge’ between the left and right brain. Having this 'bridge' activated allows for the retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, which leads to more efficiency in learning and absorbing information. It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate. Mid-brain activation improves learning efficiency several times, to maximize the ability of the brain.
Activated Midbrain persons memory could be an extraordinary, also having a great potential to develop the right brain, thereby improving attention, critical thinking skills and creativity, motor-confidence, super sensory perceptions, emotional-control and better retrieval and absorber of an information.

Training Age

Experts suggest that children's midbrain activation should be done as soon as possible when they are 5-15 years old, otherwise it is very difficult to help them to develop their brain. This is because the left brain "logic" had become more sophisticated, complex thoughts without chapters, the brain tends to slow the aging field also, the image memory and other functions have gradually lost.

Blindfold Children

Blindfold Children

During Blindfold activation, a child learns how to enter the condition of meditation in order to be able to "see" with eyes closed. The genius doesn't mean someone with IQ above 130, rather it is a condition there will be able to decrease the brain wave down to alpha-theta, brain will function optimally. when the brain functions optimally all human senses will be in their top performances including the capability of intuition,so a child is able to do all the activities with closed eyes. Once a child enters the genius condition, able to do speed reading, faster memorization and better concentration can be achieved

Einstein's Genius Linked to Well-Connected Brain Hemispheres

The right and left hemispheres of Einstein's brain were uniquely well-connected

  The debate  over right brain-left brain lateralization has raged on for decades. A study(Link Is External) released on October 4, 2013 found Albert Einstein's brilliance may be linked to the fact that his brain hemispheres were extremely well-connected. The ability to use right brain creativity and left brain logic simultaneously may have been what made Einstein a genius.
The part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is called the corpus callosum. It contains a bundle of neuronal fibers found in humans and other higher order mammals that allow the two hemispheres to talk to one another.


Third Eye Activation techniques are dynamic. Just in two days these students have got miraculous and magical result. They can read , do sums and sense blindfolded. Great!

My son has developed intuitive skill and doing so many things himself.He left watching TV, Videogames.So many times he was able to find Out missing things in his school & house premises.After this workshop he is more confident, wiseful, become more matured It is really an amazing scientific technology to improve kid’s memory.
                                            Shivarghya Chatterjee (Class III),9 years old
                                          School: St.Claret, Kolkata

Mid brain activation made my daughter Genius.Without any private tutor she stood 3rd in 8th standard.Right now she can easily memorize her subject in a very less time by the help of photographic memory. She is showing demo in presence of fifty to sixty people. 
Ilora Mallick (Class VIII),13 years old
                                School: Vivekananda Adarsha Uchha Vidyapith, Kolkata



I am very happy with the result. My child can do everything with the eye closed coloring, reading, writing, sums. He has improved in his studies-less spelling mistakes, can memorize faster. I have got the result as I expected Soumadeep Roy (Class III),8 years old
                                  School: Indira Gandhi Memorial High School, Kolkata

I have seen a lot of improvement in Deepshika. She has gain a lot of self-confidence. She has become more responsible and Particular  in her work. She is very happy with her achievement in midbrain. She has successfully completed the course.
                                   Deepshikha Saha (Class IV),9 years old
                                      School: Central Modern High School, Kolkata

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TEEA - Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Q. How old should my child be for the TEEA Course?
A. The Course works best on 5-15 year olds. Older than this age in other countries have benefitted greatly too.
Q. Why do we need Mid Brain Activation?
A. Activating Mid Brain at an young Age allows kids to utilize the complete potential of left and right brain. The hormonal discharge from the Midbrain Stimulates Glands by sending a special vibration. Serotonin is said to be very closely related to the evolution of species and has the capacity to increase the intelligence of the Right brain. Since the Midbrain is responsible for communication with the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the process of “activating” the midbrain will result in better communication with the left and right hemispheres. As individuals grow older, the brain has the tendency to automatically assign one hemisphere the brain to become more dominant in performing certain task. This means we end up using much less of our brain that we actually could The process of “activating” the midbrain reverses this trend and allows us to use our brain more efficiently, hence the improvement in cognitive abilities. Another interesting effect of midbrain activation that it allows children to sense the visual properties of objects without actually seeing them with their eyes (blindfolded) .At  you are backed and guaranteed of quality education methods being done by people who have been in educational sector for close to two decades.
Q. What is Mid Brain Workshop about?
A. Mid Brain workshop is a complete Brain Train Workshop for 2&1/2 month. The major Objective of this workshop is to Activate and Stimulate child’s Midbrain thereby boosting your child's overall learning ability. It is a course that activates the Right Brain and left Brain there by Allowing the child to simultaneously utilize both the hemispheres of the brain. The program Accelerates photographic Memory, Promotes high speed reading , Develops Multiple intelligences that are now an essential part of the new era. Children who have completed - Mid Brain Blind-fold Method Course can basically 'See' and 'Read' using their Alpha & Tetra brainwave signals. As a Parent, to believe this first you have to witness your child and other children showing this unbelievable ability after the course, It is your child's gateway to Genius that brings out the hidden talent and unleashes exceptional Intellectual ability.
Q. If my child is already talented; will the Courses still be useful?
Scientific research has proven that even a person as intelligent as Albert Einstein does not use more than 10% of his or her brain. The TEEA Course has the potential to transform children with average intelligence into highly intelligent individuals, and capable children into outstanding kids. The workshop aims not only at improving the IQ of children, but also their EQ. It also helps a child achieve emotional balance.
Q. Does the TEEA Course have any theoretical foundation?
A. Yes, renowned scientists across the world have come up with supporting theories. Much more equipment is available these days to help measure and test brainwaves.
Q. Why are the children blindfolded?
A. During the TEEA Course, the initial aim of blindfolding is to enhance a child's concentration. We try to achieve this by disabling the sense of sight on which most people heavily depend. Blindfolding also helps sharpen the other senses.
Q. If my child cannot "see" after being blindfolded, does that mean the course has failed?
Despite the TEEA Course, a few students have been unable to "see" after being blindfolded. This won't last for long. Note that the technology also enhances the memory, concentration and intellect faculties. All that these children need to do is PRACTICE and they would soon reap the benefits of the Course.
Q. Do students need to practice the technique blindfolded for the rest of their lives?
Immediately after the Course, blindfolding is essential to increase a student's concentration. As time progresses and the students' abilities improve, they could opt to close their eyes. Their concentration and other mental abilities should eventually improve dramatically. Blindfold practice is mostly required for the first few months following the Course.
Q. Is it true that some blindfolded students can easily see through the gap near their nose?
The use of a blindfold is not solely to prevent students from using their eyes. Students should also be encouraged to close their eyes when blindfolded in order to improve their other senses. If you are worried that your child is frequently peeping through a gap, you could add another layer of tissue under the blindfold to plug any gap.
Q. How do a few students identify the colour and number on cards held behind their heads?
All students do not acquire this ability. In reality they cannot 'see', but they only 'feel' the colour or writing. That is because their brain works like a radar sending signals to the brain. Many children use their skin to feel and identify a colour and the number on cards.
Q. How should I help my child after the TEEA Course?
A happy heart is your child's destination. You must allow a 3-month period for stabilisation, and during this time the more a child practices the better would be the results.
Q. Can every child who enters this program become a genius
A. The prime objective of this training program is to Trigger the hidden potential in our brain which does not occur if Midbrain is not activated. All the great inventions that happened in this universe have come from Scientist and Genius who had their mind in Alpha state. No wonder if Archimedes discovered the laws of physics while soaking in the tub or Albert Einstein liked to play the violin (music) to maintain the condition of genius. Even in earlier times, Thomas Edison biography in a book said to have a habit of sitting and sleeping while pinning bucket between his legs. This is so that he could get conditions genius (creative) where each time bucket fell, he always got the idea to develop his invention. He would process all the information, perform analysis quickly and find a solution for each problem at this state of mind. We all understand the power of Intuition and in one way or the other we would have felt the need and experience of this power. This course would help kids to listen to the inner thought , inner Voice and sense the right option in every single opportunity in life.
Q. What should I do during the practice sessions?
If your child cannot see when blindfolded, then start with the simplest of colours. If they can see very clearly after being blindfolded, then allow them to try to read a book, write, draw etc. After training, children should be able to see objects that are even farther away. For further stabilisation, you can practice with your child in a dark room. You will eventually not need a blindfold to practice; just train a child to shut his or her eyes.
Q. After the TEEA Workshop why my child’s performance is often unstable when blindfolded?
In general, after the Workshop the performance of a child is unsteady for up to 45 days. After that, regular practice leads to stability.
Q. What should I do if I have no time to practice?
You do not need special plans for your child's practice. You can practice the blindfolding technique in a car or even while traveling to school.
Q. Are there any medical side-effects to this Course?
None whatsoever. After the Course, the right brain (responsible for long-term memory) and other parts of the brain would have improved. There are only advantages, no disadvantages.
Q. How do you know there are no side-effects to your Course?
Japan has been conducting similar right-brain development Courses for more than 50 years. This has benefitted thousands of students who have attended similar Courses since 2005. Right brain development has made them happier and smarter.
Q. Why my Child does not improve in his studies after the course?
A. According to the Japanese researchers, the memory increases one million times after the brain activation. Theoretically, a person should show improvement in studies because of the increase in memory and sensory capabilities. However, if a person is not interested in his studies, it is very difficult to improve because he uses his memory for other purposes that he is interested. Parents should find out the root reason for no improvement in studies.
Q. After the midbrain activation, a student can see in the dark. Is it true?
Yes, it is possible to read newspaper in the dark! Most animals can see in the dark. Fish can see in the dark. They see by using the brainwaves because their midbrain is active. The animals brain is not damaged because they do not cry like the babies do!
Q. Why are parents not allowed to enter the classroom?
Firstly, the students are distracted in the presence of the parents. Secondly, TEEA has to reserve the copyright and to protect the intellectual property.
Q. What to do in the long term?
When a child is stable, it is not necessary to use cards and so on to help him/her to practice. He/she just blindfold and do anything blindfolded.
Q. I never hurt him, but he still refuse to practice!
Sometimes rewards are helpful. Some children need to do things in a group. Try to go to the center and practice with the others.
Q. How do I hurt my child unknowingly?
A. Most parents are very blunt and loud. They easily hurt by accusing their child for cheating. If parents are doubtful, they need to solve their doubt rather than accusing him/her. Just gently ask whether their eyes are closed or not rather than accusing him/her of peeping.
Q. Why does my child not like to practice?
A. You need to find out the root problem and solve it. Sometimes parent hurt their child unknowingly.
Q. What to do during the practices?
If your child says he/she is not able to see, then try touch, smell or listen to sense the colors on the flashcards. If your child is able to get many right answers, then get him/her to read, copy, draw, coloring etc. Then train your child to use other senses when the dominant (first one that he/she uses to sense the cards blindfolded)sensory is stable.
Q. How to start practicing?
A. The best is to have a secure and relaxing environment. Start off by deep breathing (10 times) because the brain needs a lot of oxygen to be maximized. Then blindfold him/her and start to use the super sensory perception to detect/sense things.
Q. Tell me, how do you activate the midbrain?
A. TEEA has a system that is unique and original, invented by the research team after years of research. Games, songs, music and sounds are part of the whole system. There are neither religious nor spiritual activities during the activation - totally natural and scientific. No medication is used. The class is filled with fun and happiness. That's why many children loves to come back to repeat the course.
Q. Is there any bad effect after the brain activation?
A. No bad effect at all. After the brain activation, the brain power has been restored. There is only good bad effects.
Q. Where is the midbrain, what is the medical name for it?
A. The midbrain is located above the brain stem, at the center of the brain. The medical name for midbrain is DICENPHALON.



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